Vanpool can be an excellent commute choice for those travelling longer distances to places that are not well served by transit.
Metro Rideshare services offers discount vanpool services through their regional Rideshare Program. Metro subsidizes registered vanpools by up to $400 per month to offset vehicle and fuel costs. Vanpools must submit monthly tracking reports that confirm mileage, fuel costs, and other information. Find out more about Metro’s vanpool program here.
Commuters: Search for a spot in an existing vanpool or start your own. Register at to easily find an existing vanpool along your route.
Employers: Start and promote a vanpool program at your worksite. Learn more from Metro here.
Top 5 things to know about Vanpooling:
- Vanpools require a minimum of 5 passengers travelling at least 3 times per week.
- Drivers are not included – vans require at least one volunteer driver from the group (for a total of 5 passengers and one driver).
- Vehicles come in a variety of styles and sizes to suit your needs (including 11-passenger vans or luxury SUVs).
- Vanpool meetups can occur at a personal residence or a designated park-and-ride location.
- Vanpools can travel beyond LA County. Metro partners with other agencies to accommodate commuters who live in San Bernardino, Orange and Riverside Counties. Vanpools trips must terminate at a worksite in LA County to be subsidized by Metro.